Set Transaction Types
Disable certain transaction types that you use less often – such as ATM withdrawals or online purchases – to mitigate fraudulent card charges.
Set Spending Limits
Control and monitor your spending limits by setting a maximum transaction amount.
Set Locations
Avoid card fraud by specifying the regions where your debit cards are accepted.
Debit Card Controls FAQ:
How do I enroll my debit card in card controls?
If you aren’t enrolled in online banking, you will need to do that first. After enrolling in online banking, download our mobile banking app, available in the App Store and Google Play Store.
- Login to your mobile banking app using the same credentials you use online
- Tap the “More” icon in the lower right corner of your screen
- Tap “Card Controls”
- Tap “Add” in the upper right corner of your screen
- Select the card(s) you wish to enroll from the eligible cards list, then tap “Done”
- Your eligible cards are now enrolled in card controls
- If you stop here, your card(s) will be set to receive notifications on your phone with each debit transaction that occurs.
What types of controls can I enable?
Enable controls based on transaction type, location or transaction amounts. To control the types, locations, or amount of transactions that your card is eligible for, tap the card in the “Cards” list. From the “Details” screen, you will be able to enable location controls, transaction types, merchant types, and more. Here you can also enable or disable your card for all transactions.
What happens when I enable a control?
Any transactions that are controlled by the enabled control will be denied.
I have a control enabled, but need to make a transaction that is blocked. What do I do?
To make this transaction, simply log in to your mobile banking app and disable the control. Changes are made in real time, and you will immediately be able to make your transaction. Be sure to enable the control when you are finished with the transaction if you wish to continue using the control type.
By disabling my card, am I closing my account?
No. Using card controls does not change the status of your account. Disabling your card in card controls only blocks it from being used.
What types of alerts will I receive for debit card transactions?
By default, you will receive push notifications for all transactions. If you only want to receive alerts for certain types of transactions, tap the “More” icon on your Mobile App’s Home Screen. Tap “Alerts” to modify the alerts you wish to receive.
I have a joint account with my spouse. Can I control their card, and receive alerts for their transactions?
No. Debit Card Controls must be used by the actual cardholder, even if the checking account is jointly owned. Each account owner must enroll his or her respective debit card(s) using the above instructions.