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It’s exciting times at SmartBank as we celebrate the opening of our newest branch at Cedar Bluff in Knoxville! Come by and say hello! We are located at 202 Advantage Place, Knoxville, TN 37922.

SmartBank Knoxville Chamber Ribbon Cutting

Knoxville Chamber Ribbon Cutting


Interior photo of the new Cedar Bluff location. SmartBank Cedar Bluff building front facade. A side view of the new SmartBank Cedar Bluff building.Interior SmartBank lobby of the new Cedar Bluff branch. SmartBank employees and Board Members conversing at the opening festivities.An attendee at the Cedar Bluff opening posing for the camera. SmartBank employees and Board Members mingling with Billy Carroll at the Cedar Bluff opening. Two women posing next to a SmartBank ice sculpture at the Cedar Bluff opening. SmartBank employees conversing in the front lobby of Cedar Bluff. Three SmartBank Employees pose with an attendee.A group shot of the many attendees standing in the Cedar Bluff lobby.A photo from the second floor, showing the attendees enjoying the festivities in the lobby.A presenter making a speech from the main stairway, while others watch from the lobby floor.Bill and Billy Carroll posing in front of the crowd at the Cedar Bluff opening.

Visit our Facebook album to see more photos of the event!